Mohammad Amin Karimpour talks about music problems:

This classification is based on the type and structure of its formation, its importance in human personal and social life, and of course the time of its formation and transformation into an all-encompassing skill.

However, there is a difference of taste in the order and priority of its clauses; Or sometimes the eighth and ninth arts are added to it; But the popular and principled order is the same as in the previous few lines.

In the meantime, music and of course cinema have a more special and popular position among their general and special fans, and this is not limited to Iran.

The art of music is one of the oldest arts in human history.

Instrumental paintings on the caves, the story of David’s richness and richness, the shepherds’ reeds and the sound of the daf, which are famous for their ceremonies and rituals, all show that the human soul and body are immersed in music.

Music is the expression of the artist’s feelings in the form of sound and instrument; That is, using the musical intelligence that is obtained through practice and can tune the listener’s mood and sometimes unpleasant.

Apart from describing music as a genuine art, it can also be considered as a global business.

Trade and investment in modern industrial music is not new; But in Iran there are special conditions; Distinguished from other countries such as the United States and Japan, which are the most profitable countries in the music trade, have achieved significant growth in this industry. It is not bad to avoid the music market in Iran in the meantime. Music market means enjoying concerts, albums and anything related to this art. In Iran, producing an album takes one to five years and has a lot of costs. Choosing a song, song, obtaining a license from the Ministry of Guidance and a singer, who can be a little-known person or vice versa, are all risks of producing an album.





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