Spiritual Coach Leadership Class For Women


The sacred feminine, which is the divine representation of the nurturer, is not just a construct made for spiritual guidance. For Divine Femme, it can be used to amplify one’s business through the use of practical suggestions to improve one’s revenue. Teaching this further in its newest masterclass, the company helps women all around the world find their soulmate clients: people who are naturally attracted to the service or product being provided.

More details can be found at https://bit.ly/SoulAlignedSuccessMasterclass

The new masterclass, called the Sacred Leader, is taught by Sarah Rose and Vanessa Dewing, two divine feminines who have each tapped into their inner powers to create spiritually aligned businesses. They believe that spiritual entrepreneurship is a result of proper self-reflection – particularly in giving one’s self the permission to be successful.

This is a crucial aspect of the divine feminine, says Rose. Often, women go too far into their femininity that they merely accept whatever is given to them. There is no sense of agency in their decision-making process and women feel that they “deserve” whatever it is they receive, regardless of whether it is beneficial or not.

However, true divine feminines understand their power is to not only act as a nurturer but as a giver as well (a trait that is often confused with the divine masculine). Divine Femme explains that sales are a sacred part of one’s spiritual entrepreneurship. Divine feminine energy gives women the permission to be successful by helping them magnetize their message and presence and give birth to a divinely guided offer to the world.

The entire Masterclass is offered at only $1997 (with a payment option). This includes the entire SLA Core Curriculum and access to a private Facebook community.

A grateful student wrote, “The Sacred Leader Program spoke to my soul and moved me to tears. It opened my eyes to the ease of leveraging “the lighthouse” effect to attract my soulmate clients. In the first week of the program, their wisdom and support reignited my fire as a lightworker and spiritual teacher.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting https://bit.ly/SoulAlignedSuccessMasterclass

Divine Femme
Divine Femme

7355 E. Thompson Peak Parkway
United States

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